I must say that this year did pass fast. 5 months in Australia, holidays, back to school. Week after week they pass. I'm overall very happy with the 2 weeks break that I had. I met up with my secondary school friends at a barbecue party over at Jefferson's. I said I'll cook an egg dish for the event and I did! Not wanting the fried egg to be typical, I tried making Tamago. I read a book on how they cooked it. It requires folding of the egg to create layers.
I made it with 10 eggs, soy sauce, sugar and water. It turned out good from the way I look at it!
Looks like a normal fried egg yea? But no!
It was 4cm thick. Yay! Successfully learned a new way of cooking eggs! Hehe.
Yup, the rest of holidays were spent in corp, doing carolling on Christmas eve, practices, shopping, eating and talking with friends. Enjoyed it a lot. You are appreciated. :)