So I was at Alexandra's Ikea one day and had my dinner there with Mark and Clarence. The meatballs were so satisfying. I think I can eat it everyday man! After dinner, we made our way to the next best thing, hot dogs! Talked about challenging each other to hot dogs. First one to give in pays for all the hot dogs eaten. We all stopped at two in the end.
Mama asked us to get a packet of frozen meatballs and so we did. For the sake of going green, Ikea charges 5 cents for a small plastic bag and 10 for a bigger one? I think so. So Ikea charges for plastic bags but provides free brown wrapping paper. What's next?

Make your very own paper bag! I thought Mark was going to make some envelope to place the frozen meatballs in there until I saw him tearing a slit for the handle and it was so funny when the handle slit started tearing even wider as he walked away with it! We took it back to the paper wrapping station to improve the bag's toughness with scotch tape. Clarence and I were laughing the whole time. I saw the security guard looking at us with a puzzled face. Hahaha.
The meatballs made it home safely. The bag's base did not tear even though it soaked up the condensed water. I guess the many layers of paper helped. Haha.
Oh yes, when I was returning home on the bus, I saw a black Nissan GT-R! It was so cool! It was only released in Japan on December 6th 2007. So fast and someone has it! No way!
Nine! :(
i want ikea meatballs too!!!
To wenjun: Haha! Same same!
Hi Aaron! It has been awhile!
Anyway, Ikea Alexandra is under renovation! No hotdogs!
To jessica: It is? Damn. I thought of going one day. Haha! Hope you're doing fine!
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