But I think it was really childish of me not to buy Apple for the above mentioned reason. Anyway, I would like to write a short review about this product.

Noticed how handphone sizes changed over time? From the big, heavy, "use it as a weapon" size to the very slim and compact, when Samsung came up with very nice looking phones for the business market, and now into the era of smart phones where the size is getting back to big. Sounds like fashion. Hah!
I am not complaining about the size. Fits my hand well. After all, I would feel uncomfortable carrying a small phone where the feeling is like carrying 2 coins in a clenched fist.
The interface is awesome. It does not lag when you slide from page to page as you view the apps. A satisfying feeling that I get everytime. Similar to when things transit smoothly during concerts, performances and etc. Getting around the default apps is easy.
This is another power-to-the-ma feature. HTC and BB have apps but not as many as the iPhone's. And because many are free, you just want to grab them all! If for instance, an app is just released and it's available free just for that day and you downloaded it, it sticks into your account forever. So even if the app cost goes all the way to $99.99, you won't have to pay it! So got to go app shopping frequently to get good deals. Hehe!
To me, I think the iPhone is a good buy. Keeps you updated, people will constantly create apps because many many people are using it.
With a data plan now, everything is so much more convenient and accessible. I read my mail more frequently now! Hahaha!
If any of you wish to ask for more feedback regarding it, feel free to ask me. I will not give a biased view. Honest! :)
Welcome to the dark side.
Now you can never live without your iPhone. Hahaha.
To Gerome: Haha! I will be like Luke! Being able to use both Light and Dark side keeping both in balance. Heh! :D
It really is fantastic yea? Playing scrabble is fun!
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