Friday, January 18, 2008

Tragedy! Boohoo!

My mighty mouse is dead! I tried sending electrical shocks to it the opposite way and it came back to life once but it did not sustain it any much longer. I'm very happy it helped me with many of my assignments and missions in GTA. You'll always be remembered.

*Pip Squeak!*

This reminded me about my pet hamster that passed away a very long time ago. It was really sad to see one who was like part of the family leave. My mum and I gave him a burial just near the street soccer court. The next day when we came to check the area, we found he was gone! I think it was the pesky little boy who saw us burying something into the ground and thought it was gold.


D. said...

Probably it was a cat and it sensed food, so your poor dead hamster was gone.

aar.n said...

To daphne: I know it's him! Haha! I saw the boy staring at us and probably wondering what we were doing. Haha