Everyone at this point of time was 'ahm chio-ing'.
"We're proud to present to you the newly commissioned... officers!!"
The commissioning parade is third in order of precedence with National Day Parade coming in first followed by SAF Day Parade. The rehearsals started 2 weeks before the actual event. Afternoon rehearsals were the worst because the sun would shine right on top of us! School Sergeant Major was a very inspiring person. He knew how to push us and when to give us water breaks. The commissioning parade has silent drills in it. Everyone moves accordingly without any word of command but just the sound of the bass drum. My heart beats faster everytime we execute that move. The 14, 1, 2 was also very nice after looking at the video posted up on facebook.
I would do the commissioning parade again if I had the chance. Now I'm posted to Khatib camp as an instructor. I hope my cadets will learn as much as they can and be excellent artillery officers. Likewise myself, be a good example to them and instruct them well.