All you need to do is to drink this,
Ooh yea!
Given a choice of Starbucks Coffee and this, I will choose the latter. As you see in the picture, it is Farmers Union Iced Coffee. It costs AUD$2.55 in Woolworths and slightly more expensive in convenience stores. I always look out for offers in Woolworths when they sell 2 for AUD$4. Comparing it to a 500ml Coke bottle, it is definitely more expensive.
Woolworths have a huge section of it. Many South Australians drink this anytime of the day. However, it is not as popular in Victoria. Victorians drink Big M. Same sized carton of 600ml and it looks like this.
Put the Ms together and get MMMMMM.....
I spotted Big Ms around but nothing beats Farmers Union. Farmers Union also has a lot more flavours such as Iced Coffee Light, Iced Coffee Strong, Chocolate Milk, Coffee Milk, Mocha Milk, Strawberry Milk, Banana Milk, Choc Mint Milk, French Vanilla Cappuccino Milk and Caffe Latte Milk. The Banana, Choc Mint and French Vanilla Cappuccino flavours are not sold in Woolworths but are purchasable in convenience stores. Caffe Latte was found in Melbourne.
What I like about this drink is the action of drinking from the carton. Just looking at someone drinking it makes me want to have one too. It is probably same feeling when you see someone eating chicken rice and giving a satisfying face like this :') . Oh my~
So, want to be an Australian? Take my advice and give this a go. You will feel 80% Australian immediatly. Till then, cherish the 80c kopi in coffeeshops as Morven is suffering from withdrawal symptoms.
The next post will be an exciting one! We are going to have a celebration! Bring your party hats, gun poppers and paddlepops! It is going to be a big bash! Wheeee! And remember, "It's a Farmers Union Iced Coffee or it's nothing." See you soon!
7-11 sells the big M drink too! they only have it in coffee, chocolate and strawberry though. can you fax a farmers union iced cafe latte milk? soon please.
kthxbye! :D
To shihui: They do? That's great! I will probably make that my favourite drink from now unless Farmers Union comes in. I am so sorry shihui! I have no access to that caffe latte milk! I do not think they sell it in Adelaide. Haha
Fedex the Farmers Union drinks to Singapore!
hehehe! i looovveee our 80c kopi at kopitiams!
Anyways, blog more abt the FOOODD.
To jessica: How much does it cost? And how to go about doing it? HAHA I do not think I can bring it on the plane because the security might think it could be some dangerous liquid like coffee..
To eunice: More on the food? Hmm, that might be easier than talking about other things since food makes the world go round. :P
I have no idea! But I wasn't serious lah! Just a thought ahaha.
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