Today, I am going to talk about someone. Not just anyone but someone as I have mentioned it before. This someone is a famous man. He walk the skies. He is none other than my uncle from Malaysia!
Nice cymbals.
My uncle's name is Jonathan and I call him uncle Jona for short. He works as an In-flight Supervisor for Malaysian Airlines. On the 12th of May 2007, I was surprised to hear from my parents that he was coming to Adelaide. It was exciting but I had the feeling of shyness at first. In the end, I did not care about it and met him up. He stayed at Holiday Inn in the city. If I am not wrong, he arrived very early in the morning on the 12th and had to depart on the 13th at around 12pm. I could only spend 1 day with him but it was a great time of fun!
As usual, he has a never ending supply of jokes. We laughed a lot, shared about what is going on at home, work experiences and a lot more. I asked him, "Uncle Jona, if you want an extra meal on the plane, is it possible?" "Yes of course!! They always carry extra and there are people who are vegetarians so they don't eat or some are not hungry. Don't hesitate to ask but wait until everyone has been served.", he replied. I love airplane food though it may not be as delicious as restaurants. The fun of opening the packet, the salad, the desert, biscuit and the small little coke can is just exhilarating. The same goes for hospital's food. I guess the environment and ambiance is an important factor. I also heard that food at high altitudes do not taste as good that is why airplane food is enriched with more flavour.
Dinner time. Thank you room service. :P~
Atlantic Salmon and (something) *oops
Butter Chicken Curry with Rice. Pappadum too!
Hmm, I cannot remember the name for this one.
The verdict, yum. I also tried on his uniform. I managed to fit in without blowing any buttons away. It look really strange because it was really formal with a blazer and tie. It was a first wearing a blazer.
When time came to turn in, uncle Jona got a room for me! One of the air stewardess stayed with her friend in the same room so there was a spare so I took it. The feeling was superb. Sleeping on a queen sized bed with a heater and sweets to munch on. :D
Uncle Jona bought for me a lot of Maggi mee and there still a lot more that I have yet to finish. Thank you uncle Jona for your hospitality and kindness. Thank you Lord for this awesome experience which may not happen again!
Next! I am sorry mates I cannot give you a heads up about the topic. I will see what comes to my mind. Take care everyone and have a good day!
wah so fun!
your blog entries always make me hungry :D
To shihui: Oops!
So fun! I love room service!
To kathryn: I find it very fun! I think it is the same feeling like eating a meal served on a plane or in the hospital. Haha! :D
hey! how come dont have photos of you wearing that uniform!
i wanna seeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
To ddaphne-: Hahaha! I purposely did not put it up! That one cannot go public. :D I might show it when I come back. Hehe
the pappadum looks pirated....
To lurong: Haha! It's not pirated one.. It's pappadum for real! Really!
Why didn't you guys hang out with the air stewardesses too?
I bet they felt left out. Hahahaha.
To zen|th: That's a good point! HAHA! I had no time for them. :P
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