Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ssssss~.... Squeak!

Awesome! I got a new gadget! Thanks Mark! :)

This is my new snake mouse! Exactly the same one! Blue! Green was out of stock.

I was planning to get a gaming mouse before the start of school for quite some time already. Since I will have a new laptop to replace my trusty, still going strong, 5 year old Acer, I will be able to play more resource demanding games and it would be nice to have a good mouse to match up to it. So the search begins. I looked into 2 brands of mice, Razer and Logitech.

Kenny uses a Logitech G9x and I felt it was really good! The specifications of that mouse is wonderful! The wheel scroll can swap between stepped or smooth scrolling, it has a resolution of 5700 dpi, it has large feet that spans the whole breadth, and you can add up to 28 grams of weights to achieve the perfect feel! All that for... $159! :(

It was too expensive.

So I opted for Razer. And was reminded that Eugene works at Razer! Matthew helped me out by lending me his mice. I tried the Copperhead first. The green glow from the mouse was nice to look at. It is an ambidextrous mouse so the shape will not follow your palm. Then I tried the Deathadder. Feel wise, comfortable and I was more reluctant to move quickly due to its ergonomic right-handed design.

In the end, I chose the Diamondback 3G which is an ambidextrous mouse like the Copperhead. In Eugene's opinion, it is the best mouse. I felt it was not necessary to get such an expensive one because after all...... (wears sunglasses and looks away into the distance) it is the skill that gets the frag. YEAAAAAAAA!!!!

So I was supposed to collect it from Eugene once he got hold of it. After dinner with mums and Mark, I went back home and Mark returned like 15 minutes after that. Out of no where he took out the Diamondback!! Then I realised why he left us earlier after dinner. I was so happy!! I wanted to pay him back but he refused. He gave it as a gift to me. I had no choice but to accept it. Thank you very much Mark! "SNAKEEE!!!!" -Colonel Campbell

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