Sunday, September 23, 2007


I believe Ali was inspired to write this because of the recent advertisements of Mocca.

"As do typical negotiations take place, you give me something in exchange for another thing. In this case, Aaron and I have swapped blog posts! Haha. But since he has given me total authority to write about ANYTHING, I shall write whatever I want and he has to post it all up sans censorship.

Okay everybody. What (oops, i mean WHO) we have here is a 1.85m tall (i'm guessing) big friendly guy up for grabs.

If you like guys to be big and cuddly, with a nice 'little' tummy, Aaron here is perfect for you. More so if you like bass players and people who enjoy their food. (Matt's taken!) Tho' abit on the fair side, Aaron is bound to make you feel protected wherever you go cause he'll tower over you and intimidate all other (shorter) guys. If that fails, he can always just sit on them.

If you're a movie junkie, the deal's even sweeter. What's better than having a guy who can spout lines from V for Vendetta or imitate the actions of Borat. He can even make the movie come alive for you by cooking the meals he see's on the show! (look out for his eggy in a basket post)

And on the topic of food - Mr food lover here is bound to spoil you rotten with food. (no pun intended!) From his long-ago inheritance of a McDonald's pie maker to his smashing rice poppies, you'll be certain you won't starve!

So what are you waiting for? Better catch hold of him before he's taken! :D Hurry hurry!"


Anonymous said...

Aaron says: I think that comments are very important. It gives the blogger encouragement to blog.

aar.n said...

To Anonymous and all who are reading: Yes it is very true. Because of that one comment, I shall update! Haha!