I can only go out on the weekends because I work from Monday to Friday. We decided to visit Glenelg first. It is further from the city. There is a tram from the city that will take you straight to Glenelg.
Glenelg is a nice place. The road is filled both sides with shops. The beach is there too. Allow me to show you what it looks like. This is the only road I walked down.
You can always see a big view of the sky because there is nothing above 3 floors!
The tram ends at Glenelg and stops very near the beach.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
I was planning to make a panoramic view of the beach but it will not turn out very nice because the left border of Figure 1 does not really match nicely to the right border of Figure 2. Even though there is a slight difference, it still looks ugly. Imagine the panoramic view as you look through Figure 1, 2 and 3. Only combinations 1,2,3 and 3,2,1 will give you the proper view. 2,1,3 or 2,3,1 will not work.
The beach was very windy! Probably due to the sea breeze. The sun was on and off. The waters were definitely cleaner than Singapore for sure but I have yet to see waters so blue and clear you can see the sand below. Tanning in Australia is nice. Hot sun but cool wind. However, there is a high risk of getting skin cancer. We walked down the jetty, enjoying the breeze and taking photos.
There was also a busker drawing a huge crowd with his performance. Birds were also watching his performance.
Bird 1: Will people give me money for doing a wingstand?
I bought a pre-paid card from one of the shops so that I can contact Morven if we are lost. It cost $30 for 6 months. I think it will last me 6 months. Maybe I will not even finish up the $30. Anyway, we left Glenelg at about 2pm and headed back to the city. Next stop, Central Market.
Central Market, as shown at the top right.
The lady in the foreground does have a face. Do not be afraid.
Central Market is similar to our wet markets in Singapore. Food is fresher, it is also cheaper. But it is in the city so Woolworths is my best friend. :) When we arrived there, it was noisy and shops were starting to close. I was thinking, "So fast? Now only like 2.45pm leh. The food stalls also closing!? No!! My lunch!". It turns out that Central Market closes at 3pm on Sundays. We had to find lunch so we went Subway. Everything is the same except here, they ask what cheese do you want and it is free. The 2007 Police and Fire Games are taking place in Adelaide so I saw a lot of participants walking around and eating lunch. We did not browse the place completely but I may do it another time. Next stop, Rundle Mall.
The city has a free shuttle service known as the Bee Line and the bus number is 99B. It loops around the city. While travelling to Rundle Mall, I saw girls lying in the park at Victoria Square sun tanning. Not a common sight in Singapore because everyone goes to the beach to sun tan. Rundle Mall is a busy place. Lots of people! Young and old are there.
I see taller buildings!
Currently the Adelaide International Buskers Festival was its final day here. It took place from 15-18 March. The buskers here are really fantastic. Their performance is worth watching. They have a thick green rope laid out to mark out a barrier to give space for the busker/s to perform. I saw 2 seperate people doing artwork and selling them. 1 was a lady who draws big paintings on the floor and takes pictures of it. Her last finished work was called "Adelisa", a slightly modified "Mona Lisa". Another was a man using spray cans of paint, using a piece of paper to help him flick paint onto the painting. Messy but nice. The way he does the painting is very unique.
Glug glug glug..
Noticed that he has a tube in his mouth? A self made air tank? I think it is. He probably needs it because some paints will cause permanent injury or maybe death. I like his art pieces. At that time, he was painting 2 dolphins jumping out of the water. Nicee. I managed to buy T-shirts from "Target". A shopping mall like Metro and take a look at the next picture.
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8XL?
They are huge! The 3XL size is very comfortable for me. I tried some Quiksilver T-Shirt at Glenelg earlier and it was tight fitting even though the label wrote 2XL! Something wrong. I bought a total of 4 T-shirts. :D I will try to find more because I will not find these Tees in Singapore!
I am finally done. Next issue will be back to food again for my foodiedex has encountered new food. Thank you for reading! :)
That sucks. I hate it when shops close early.
To Zen|th: You are right! It is good and bad. Good because you are forced to go home. Bad because when you want to buy something, you can't! Haha. You updated your blog?
Good to hear you're doing aye-okay!
God Bless :]
To Debra: :]
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