Immediatly after I went through the gates of Mordor, we walked directly to the security check. We had to take out our laptops and place them seperately and go through the scanner. Mah fan to the core man. There were many caucasians in the plan. Only saw 1 chinese lady. It has been a long time since I flew in a plane. Long long ago, long long ago. I was very excited! They had monitors in their seats! My first time! Oh boy! However, despite the excitement, I felt depressed leaving the country. But I shan't ponder to much on sadness, I will bring you all the goodness and maybe some badness about Adelaide. First thing I want to talk about is the airplane food.
The coke can is only 250ml! Small and cute! ;]
The pasta was a little crunchy at the sides, but soft in the center. I think its because the sauce could not reach it. Bread and butter was nice. I haven't had real butter since I was a little boy! The vegetables were sour, a bit like achar? And ooohhh~, the desert was great! I do not know what it is called. It had like sugar solution on the top surface of it and and I cannot remember what was the center but all I know it is good. :P Felt a little bloated after the whole meal.
Next I watched,
It was a bit boring for me. The movie was very dark. Not enough light. The tricks were definitely done by computer. The main lead actor acted in The Italian Job as the bad guy. I forgot his name already. I slept a while after the show and when I woke up, i had something nice again!
breakfast at 3am Singapore time?
You see the cookie at the bottom left? Citrus Lemon. That is another oh my~ snack. Its a lemon butter cookie! It was enjoyable! I should go find some in the supermarkets. I landed at 5 am Singapore time. It was 7.30 in Adelaide. So doing the math, it will be 2.5 hours ahead. Great.
E'nuff said on the flight, next up will be on the food! :] Stay tuned! I miss all of you!!
Do you know in business class they give you those high class chocolate to eat too :P Miss you, no one come keep me company in corp already :( Haha
Haha they do? But what are the chances of going to business class? I must lose weight while I am here or at least maintain it. Haha yes I miss you too. The current O level takers? :]
I don't know who they are?hahaha.. you are supposed to go overseas and come back fatter! Just like everyone else!
Cannot lah.. Must try to lose a bit. Eat less, sleep more, drink more water should be the way. The O level takers are Clarence, Melanie, Amelia Soh, Jeremy? A levels got Joel, Cheryn, Sarah? Hahaha take your pick!
So how was the experience of flying? Did you fly first class? Haha.
I've flown long distance flights so many times now, that I'm starting to feel that it's getting shorter.
To Zenith: No first class lah. No $$ hahaha I was very excited because there was a tv in front of me!
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