So where did we finally decided to go? Crystal Jade La Mian Xiao Long Bao and I cannot think of any other longer name to beat that! We queued up, Ali felt tired and sat on the only chair outside the restaurant. Her hands were itchy and she plucked a tangerine from their potted tree! In the end, she did not eat it and threw it into the pot. Tsk tsk.
Now feast your eyes on these!
Oh my~
Alright, surely you know what it is. For those who do not know, it is called xiao long bao. It is, in layman's term, a meat dumpling. Go check the link to see the dimensions and read how it is engineered. However, the main point I want to bring up is not about the dumpling but instead the way you eat the dumpling. This is simply from my experience and you may or may not follow it. Try at your own risk.
Firstly, the xiaolongbaos are served to you and it is very very hot. Most of the time, when a new dish is served, most people will go take a piece. Like they say, "Eat it when it's hot." Many eat it in halves, in thirds or maybe eighths. My way will be to put the whole xiaolongbao into your mouth, squeeze it within and *BOOOOOOM*!!!!!! Immediatly, you will inevitably huff huff and puff puff, shifting the juice from side to side. The juices will be hot enough to make you tear. Then you give a smile and get the same face like this. :')
I must warn you that the juices are hot. Also, do not burst the bag! You need the pressure in there to force the juice out. Maybe you can experiment by waiting a while? Alright, that concludes Eating 101 by Aaron.
OI. you eat xlbs wrong way la. you must master the real art of eating a xiao long bao.
love, shihui. :D
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