Welcome back to another season of What am I doing?. Imagine ending a sentence with a question mark tone but you are not asking a question. How intriguing is that! Alright, let's keep that aside and back to the main topic!
F('oo')d! I mentioned something very delicious previously. What is it? It was mentioned in the movie "Parent Trap"! I myself do not eat this very often in Singapore but I got so excited when I saw it selling in the supermarket.
Woohoo! IGNITED leh! Ba-boom!Frankly, there was no steam coming out of my nostrils or my ears. I did not combust by the ignition! You could still taste the spiciness. Mainly filled with kidney beans and meat. The full name of is
Chili con carne but it is usally refered to just chili. Different from chili sauce. If you are looking for the most powerful chilli sauce, try "Dave's Insanity Sauce". I tried it at Matthew's place and it was a real killer even with just 3 drops.
When I opened the can for the first time, the smell reminded me of A&W's coney dog. I was really excited to eat it. The last time I tried chili was at Dan Ryan's with Kat, Daniel and Clarence and that was about 2 years ago or more. Can someone tell me if Singapore does sell it?!
Okie dokie mates, the deeelicious one was the above and now I bring you real Aussie food! I have managed to make contact with the real deals.
Take me to your leader or eat this green stuff!This is called a
pie-floater. Purely Australian but more specifically, purely
South Australian. It is only sold here and it is a meat pie "sitting" in pea soup. It cost AUD$5.50 but if you choose special flavours for the pie, you pay a dollar more. Ian, Morven and I ate all 3 different pies so we went in a loop trying each other's. Sad to say, I do not remember the name of my pie. Sorry. The green pea soup was nice at first, but I struggled to finish it. I could not bear to leave the soup behind because it would be a waste. This pie-floater was not sold in a normal store. Instead, it was a container cum kitchen. You stand and eat along the pavement with 1 spoon in your hand.
Another Aussie snack is the
Chiko Roll. I saw it on the menu of the snack bar at Mallala Race Track and I always wanted to try and know what it is. It cost AUD$3. A little steep for a snack but this is the way in Australia.
"Hey! Old Chang Kee's Spring Roll? No? A Chiko Roll? Noooooo....."
*Munch Munch* "I love it! A lot more meatier than a spring roll! Hehe."The taste was very unique. The texture was a bit soft and mushy but I did not mind. All I know, it was hot and good. I bought 2 that day. Mutton, carrots, celery and more are all stuff and packed in this powah snack. Must be eaten immediatly when it comes out from the fryer. Not nice when cold.
Now do not say I have not tasted Aussie food! Haha!
Coming up next, an Australian reality TV show! Nuff Said! Have a g'day mate! :D